
Monday, September 3, 2012

Druapal Installation

Now you have installed the latest drupal version from here.

Okay, now we will start to learn how to install downloded version on your server step by step.

 Step 1: Download the installation file from by choosing the latest stable version and clicking on the download link next to the package.

On Server

 Step 2: Upload it in the public_html folder of your account. You can do that through an FTP client like FileZilla or via cPanel -> File Manager -> Upload file(s). This way, after the installation is completed, the script will appear once your write something like in your web browser. Or you can create a subfolder there and upload the file in it. The Drupal installation will be available at:

 Step 3: Once you are in the File Manager, please navigate to the uploaded file and extract it by clicking on the Extract link. It will create a subfolder: drupal-x.x.x., where instead of x.x.x. is the current version. So you can move the files one level up in the desired directory. The other option is to extract the file in your computer and then to upload the content in the desired folder via FTP.

On Localhost

If you installed XAMPP server for PHP, then go to "htdocs" root folder on your installation directory
If you installed WAMP server for PHP, then go to "www" root folder on your installation directory

 Step 2: Extract the downloaded drupal ZIP file. It will create a subfolder: drupal-x.x.x., where instead of x.x.x. is the current version. So you can move the files on the appropriate root folder. Or you can create a subfolder on the appropriate root folder and then move on it. 

 Step 3: The Drupal installation will be available at: http://{hostname}/subfolder. Replace hostname with your local server name ex: localhost,if you are using PORT no according with hostname then you can use http://{hostname:PORT}/subfolder. ex: localhost:80 instead of {hostname:PORT}.

 Step 4: Once the files are extracted in the desired folder, you should create a MySQL database for Drupal. You can do that from cPanel -> MySQL Databases or http://{hostname}/phpmyadmin. There you should create a database and add a user to it.

 Step 5: Go to the URL of your Drupal site and run the install.php file (for example or http://{hostname}/subfolder). Select "Standard" profile option for your Drupal application.
Drupal Installation - 1

 Step 6: Select the default language for the Drupal web site. 

 Step 7: Enter the database details for the database which you have created in Step 4. Click on the Save and continue button to continue.

 Step 8: Enter the site information and the administrative login details. Click on the Save and Continue button.

 Step 9: Good Job! The drupal installation is completed and you can proceed to your drupal first web site.

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