
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Configure PHP with MSSQL connectivity

To connect PHP to MSSQL, Please check with below stpes

1.       Enable php_mssql.dll in PHP.INI (Throw WAMP services ICON)

2.       Copy the php_mssql.dll into PHP 5.3.x/ext.

3.       Copy ntwdblib.dll and MSVCR71.dll into sysWOW64 folder.

4.       Restart WAMP, Restart system also good advice.


1. Below CMD steps to check the required MSSQL DLL loaded or not. if the below command does not return anything, then PHP, MSSQL  installation  is success. if it return some alert with missing DLL message, then download that DLL and push into system32/ sysWOW64 folder.

execute this command in command prompt, make sure you should be inside the wamp/bin/php/php5.x.x/ext ) 

php -d extension_dir=ext -d extension=php_mssql.dll -d extension=C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.17\bin –m

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